providing the tools to navigate forward successfully

What is IPP?

Working with its partners, IPP Australia has designed an innovative and holistic solution which brings together finance, procurement and receivables management, insurance and customer loyalty. IPP Australia utilises an automated system that funds 100% of suppliers' daily sales overnight with no impact to the newsagents.

The aim of the program is to improve the relationship between the supplier and newsagent and financially strengthen the supply chain. It will create 'value add' to newsagents and provide a powerful marketing tool to encourage greater spend with participating suppliers.





How Does it Work?

The supplier's customers (newsagents) are issued with a credit account and an approved credit limit within which they can transact via IPP. Without having to change the existing sales and ordering processes the supplier uploads a transaction file of the daily invoiced sales. The sales are processed by the IPP credit provider and funds are transmitted overnight to the supplier (within 48 hours if over a weekend).

The newsagent pays the cost of the invoice to the IPP credit provider at the end of the statement cycle, 27 days from end of month of delivery. The newsagent receives an itemised monthly billing statement, listing all purchases made with suppliers and including loyalty points earned. A single monthly fee, for all services, is charged to the supplier at the end of the month.






How do I join?

Membership is open and free to all registered newsagents and lottery agents

Click here and complete the form to register your details.



Last updated: 24-12-2017